Monday, January 6, 2014

Back in Action

Ok, first of all, I realize I've been MIA and haven't posted anything in over 7 months! Shame on me! I had this grand plan to catch up on all of our trips and all things Ireland during the time I traveled home to Ohio this past summer, but it just didn't happen. You could say I had a few things to do, what with planning a wedding and another international move! Still, those are excuses and I know I need to keep you all up to speed. I'm astonished at how many people have told me that they not only loved reading the blog, but noticed the hiatus and couldn't wait for me to start writing again. So thank you to my readers and I'm happy to say the blog is back in action!

Now, as many of you may or may not know, the blog needed a name change for a couple of reasons. First, we are no longer in Dublin, Ireland. I'll write a detailed post about our farewell, but, long story short, we're on to a new adventure in a new part of the world. Yep, we have moved around the globe to Sydney, Australia! The second reason is... (drumroll, please)... I am NOT an Accidental Housewife! If you don't know already, I accepted a great offer before moving Down Under and am currently working away (another reason why I've been insanely busy!). 

After toying with a couple ideas, I landed on "Next Door Naber." Though I haven't legally changed my name and I'm far from being a real neighbor (about as far away as possible for many of you!), I thought it fitting. Aside from title and a bit of a facelift, the content will remain the same. So, without further ado, welcome back to the roller coaster ride of life, work, and travel abroad, exploring and making friends in our new, sunny city, and general musings from your friendly "not-so next door" Naber.

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