Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One is Silver, The Other is Gold

Moving to Ireland has taken me out of my comfort zone in countless ways. As I've mentioned before, part of the sometimes difficult transition in moving abroad was not knowing anyone here. Yes, I love spending time with my husband, but let's be serious -- we all need our girlfriend time!

When I moved to Chicago after college, it was a new city with new challenges, but the comforting factor was that I already knew people in town. Since there is an unwritten rule requiring a large percentage of Miami University alumni to move to Chicago after graduating, I was graced with many friendly faces upon arrival. I had people to relive "the old days" with: the all-you-can drink, throwback to college, Friday nights at McGees; the Saturday brunches where you crack up as you recap the night and decide you just can't party like you used to... until Friday comes around again; the chill nights in, where you can just lounge around in your sweats and watch The Bachelor, because you reached that comfort level a long time ago. The people who knew you in college and are also adjusting to life in the "real world." 

Through the years, I made other friends outside of my college friends in Chicago, a few that will be in my life forever. It just takes time...  and that's what I told myself when I first moved to Dublin. Sure enough, after being here for over 6 months, I'm happy to say that I feel like I'm building great friendships here as well. It hasn't always been easy to meet people, since I'm not going into an office every day, but I've somehow managed and now feel like I have people to call... to grab lunch or coffee with, to go dancing with on a weekend night, to watch Rom Coms with... friends that I miss when they go out of town. Friends that are from all over the world, but are still like me in different ways. It's a great feeling :)

I always miss my friends from home in Westlake, Miami U, and Chicago, but it's so nice to be making new friends... Ones that make my life here easier every day, ones that hopefully will become longtime friends also. To all my friends, old and new, I appreciate you and am lucky to have you in my life!

"Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver, the other is gold."


  1. oh wow hahahah were you a girl scout??!!

    1. Yes, but a girl scout dropout! So my "old" wouldn't be from Girl Scouts, haha


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